Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut
20 May-2024

Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut

Posted on May 20, 2024 Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut
by pvs_admin
Real estate Market Trends

If you follow real estate market trends in Calicut, you can see that people are more particular than before about Vastu, even in apartments. What exactly is Vastu? Vastu Shastra is the science of architecture that was present in India in ancient times. It prescribes norms for the layout of a house, its interiors, colours, and even items like furniture and appliances within the house for a harmonious life. In modern times, Vastu has gained renewed interest as individuals seek to create spaces that promote well-being and positive energy flow. Incorporating Vastu principles in residential properties has become a priority for developers and homeowners alike, reflecting a deeper understanding of the impact of design on holistic living.

Explore Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut and transform your living space into a sanctuary of harmony and well-being.

Benefits of Vastu

It is believed that by following Vastu principles, you can bring positive energy into your home, which can have the following benefits:

  • Good mental and physical health
  • Good financial condition
  • A pleasant atmosphere at home
  • Harmonious relationships between family members
  • Elimination of negative thoughts
  • Facilitates learning and improves concentration for students

No wonder, then, that people want to implement Vastu principles at home. Here are a few tips to follow:

General Principles

  • Ensure that your house is free of clutter, and there is sufficient space for the positive energy to flow through the house. Donate or throw away items you don’t need.
  • Don’t keep broken items, dead plants, and so on inside the house; dispose of them immediately.
  • Keep your house clean and organized at all times. Ensure there is adequate lighting and ventilation to welcome positive energy.
  • Avoid shoe racks and dustbins at the main entrance; ideally, dustbins should be in the south-west. Keeping it in other regions can hamper wealth accumulation, cause disturbance in mental wellbeing, and so on.
  • Hang family photos on the northeastern wall of your house to ensure that family bonds stay strong.
  • Place sandalwood such that family members get to see it frequently. Its soothing fragrance can help ease tension.
  • You may want to place the Blue Eye to ward off evil near your entrance; it is said to keep jealousy, harm, and negative energies from entering your home.
  •  A wooden turtle placed in the eastern or south-eastern corner of your home can help attract positive energy 
  • Keep plants inside your home; bamboo and money plants are believed to be Vastu-friendly and ensure positive energy flow.
  • Murtis of Kuber, Ganesha, or Buddha at the entrance have a protective effect and can have a positive impact on your finances.
  • Placing sea salt in bowls in the corners of your home and replacing it every 48 hours can also attract positive energy
  • Avoid placing artificial trees or fountains at the entrance, as it can hamper the entry of positive energy.

Living Room

Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut

Choose pleasing, light, and inviting shades for the walls, and avoid dark colours. Avoid dried flowers, cactus, and artificial flowers. The decor on the walls can be paintings of nature, deities, sacred symbols, etc.


Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut

Shades of pink and red are good for the master bedroom (couples), for children’s and guest rooms, green, blue, yellow, or white are ideal. Never keep a mirror facing the bed or a TV in the room. 


Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut

The main appliances, like the gas stove, oven etc., should ideally face the east or southeast and the sink should be in the northeast so that there is no clash between water and fire elements.


Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut

Light pastel shades or earthy colours are ideal for bathroom walls. A small window should be provided to let negative energies flow out. Ideally, bathroom walls should not be common with the kitchen and pooja rooms.


Understand the advantages of living in low-rise flats in Calicut and apply Vastu principles to bring good energy into your home. PVS Builders offers insightful Vastu advice to improve harmony and happiness in your Calicut apartment. Our direction contributes to the establishment of a harmonious, energetically stimulating atmosphere that promotes peace and well-being. E

enjoy the advantages of living in a low-rise with unmatched comfort and quality. With our luxurious residential options, you can elevate your Calicut living experience by fusing modern convenience with ageless Vastu wisdom. Discover how to perfectly combine historic values with modern design in our low-rise apartments, guaranteeing a happy and contented living environment for you and your family. Explore Vastu Tips for Welcoming Positive Energy in Flats in Calicut and embark on a journey towards holistic living today.


What is Vastu and why is it important?

Vastu Shastra is an ancient Indian science of architecture that promotes harmony in living spaces. It is important because it enhances well-being, prosperity, and relationships.

How can I apply Vastu principles in my home?

You can apply Vastu principles by decluttering, using specific colours, placing symbols like the blue eye, and ensuring proper placement of furniture and appliances.

Is Vastu Shastra applicable to commercial spaces too?

Yes, Vastu principles can be applied to commercial buildings, offices, and other structures to promote productivity, prosperity, and positive energy flow.

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