8 Effective Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Calicut Flat
24 Sep-2024

8 Effective Ways to Improve Air Quality in Your Calicut Flat

Posted on September 24, 2024 Improve Air Quality in Your Calicut Flat
by pvs_admin
Real estate Market Trends

Real estate market trends in Calicut show that flats are gaining popularity over standalone houses as they offer greater convenience. However, they too, can have a few drawbacks. Do you think that the air quality inside your apartment is not up to the mark? Outdoor pollution has a way of entering your homes as well. If you continuously breathe in that air, it can have negative impacts on your health. But you need not worry. There are several effective ways to improve air quality in your Calicut flat.

What causes poor air quality indoors?

Kitchens and bathrooms in Calicut flats are moist places and perfect environments for mould and mildew, which can hinder efforts to improve air quality in your Calicut flat. Pets contribute to indoor air pollution by bringing in dust, shedding fur, and carrying air pollutants when they go outdoors. Additionally, several household appliances and cleaning materials release toxic fumes that can degrade the indoor atmosphere. Harmful gases like radon, formaldehyde, and carbon monoxide also enter from the outside, further emphasizing the need for strategies to improve air quality in your Calicut flat.

1. Change Appliance Filters

Your air conditioner filters the surrounding air so that you don’t breathe pollutants. But as it collects fibre and debris, it can get clogged and stop functioning. Clean the filter regularly and replace it if it looks damaged. Similarly, vacuum cleaners, clothes dryers, etc., also have filters that similarly need to be cleaned and replaced when necessary. Not changing or cleaning appliance filters worsens indoor air quality and reduces the efficiency of the appliances, too.

2. Clean Vents 

Air vents are placed in apartments to improve air circulation, and they are usually covered with netting. These nets keep out air pollutants like fibres and dust, as well as insects. However, they need to be cleaned on a regular basis to ensure that they continue to filter all the unwanted stuff. If they get blocked, the rooms may become stuffy as fresh air cannot enter and stale air cannot leave.

3. Install Chimney or Exhaust in Kitchen

Chimney or Exhaust in Kitchen | Improve Air Quality in Your Calicut Flat

Cooking releases a lot of smoke and polluting gases like carbon monoxide and nitrogen dioxide. The pollution is higher whenever you do any heavy-duty frying. Installing chimneys and exhaust fans makes sure that these pollutants are sucked up and released outdoors.

4. Eco-Friendly Cleaning Materials

Most of the floor cleaners, detergents, drain cleaners, toilet cleaners, air freshers, and dish wash soaps that we use in our homes often contain ingredients that are bad for the environment. They can leach into the groundwater, and some fumes can permeate the air, causing air quality to suffer. Choose cleaning materials made with organic, natural ingredients which are better for your health.

5. Clean Furnishings

Carpets, rugs, mats, curtains, sofa throws – these are all needed to increase comfort, convenience, and aesthetic appeal. They also absorb mud, dust, dander, fine fibres, and other particles, ensuring that they don’t remain in the air and enter your lungs. It is essential that these furnishing items are regularly cleaned to get rid of the trapped air pollutants.

6. Control Humidity 

Mildew and mould are caused by moist air and humidity. The presence of these pollutants in your home can cause respiratory problems like allergies, asthma, and so on. You will find the problem to be heightened during the monsoon. Install dehumidifiers inside your home to control the humidity and make it comfortable for you and your family.

7. Second-hand Smoke

Secondhand smoke is deadly for others who inhale it; moreover, the smoke exhaled by the smokers hangs in the air and settles on your furnishings. In no time, your home may start smelling like a smoker’s den. To make sure this doesn’t happen, make it a point to tell smokers not to smoke inside the house. If at all, let them stand near a window or on the balcony and exhale the smoke outside.

8. Get Plants

Having plants in your home is one of the effective ways to improve air quality in your Calicut flat. They give out oxygen, absorb harmful pollutants, and add beauty to your apartment. You can get plants that are easy to maintain so that you don’t need to spend too much time on them.


Now, you may wonder why is Calicut the ideal location for a family to settle down? It is a cosmopolitan city with a beautiful landscape, negligible crime rate, excellent opportunities for employment and entrepreneurship, and is the food capital of Kerala.

If you’re looking to improve air quality in your Calicut flat, consider the premium 2 and 3 BHK apartments from PVS Builders. Their innovative construction and thoughtful layout are designed to minimize the intrusion of outdoor pollution, ensuring a healthier living environment inside your home. PVS Builders stands out as one of the leading builders in Kerala, well-regarded for its transparent dealings and superior construction quality.

Also read: how to evaluate the best investment properties for flats in Calicut.


What causes poor indoor air quality in Calicut flats?
Various factors, such as high humidity, mould, pet dust accumulation, and harmful fumes from household appliances and cleaning products, can cause poor indoor air quality in Calicut flats. External pollutants like carbon monoxide and formaldehyde can also enter homes, negatively impacting air quality.

How can I improve the air quality in my Calicut apartment?
To improve indoor air quality in your Calicut apartment, regularly clean and replace appliance filters, install exhaust fans or chimneys in the kitchen, and use eco-friendly cleaning products. Additionally, dehumidifiers can control humidity, furnishings can be kept clean, and indoor plants can be added to purify the air.

Are plants effective in improving air quality in Calicut flats?
Yes, indoor plants are highly effective in improving air quality. They release oxygen, absorb harmful pollutants, and enhance the overall aesthetic of your home. Low-maintenance plants such as snake and spider plants are excellent choices for apartment living.

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