11 Top Tips To Setup Indoor Gardens For Apartments In Kerala
07 Mar-2017

11 Top Tips To Setup Indoor Gardens For Apartments In Kerala

Posted on March 07, 2017
by pvs_admin
Garden Tips

People these days, tries to be very innovative while decorating their apartments in Calicut. Also, the demand for indoor plants in Kerala has seen an upsurge in the past few years. The apartment has grown beyond the label of residence into a beautiful place where everyone wishes to live and spend most of the time of the day. This matter is more so for the children, and housewives. So, keeping it beautiful in every possible way is the primary urgency for every household. For the same reason, the concept of indoor gardens for apartments has been taking a major place in various interior designing concepts.

With a clear understanding of the mindset and requirements of people, the Apartment providers in Kerala are coming out with amazing ideas to flourish the gardening with decorative plants to improve the aesthetic appearance of the apartments. With the mind-boggling apartment gardening ideas,  Apartments have been successful in encouraging the modern concept of indoor gardening. 

 An indoor garden decoration in an apartment, irrespective of the height of the apartment, and area available for gardening, create a soothing and tranquil ambience that everybody desires.

The concept of indoor gardening

Apartments may lack natural spaces. Indoor garden designs discover the space inside the walls of apartments, and the plants are grown well inside attractive pots, containers, etc. These plants are generally named house plants. They are just perfect for indoor gardening, and experts could show different ways to take care of these plants.

The major attraction is that indoor plants require very little care when compared to outdoor plants. The best indoor plants in Kerala, are Amaryllis, Angel Wing Begonia, Areca Palm, Birds Nest Fern, Chinese Evergreen, Donkey’s tail, Coral Cactus, ornamental plant, Lucky bamboo plants, indoor herb plants, spider plants, Peace lily, Succulent plants, Snake plant, Devil’s Ivy, ZZ Plant or Zamioculcas Zamiifolia, Money plant, Bromeliad, and House tree Leek, etc. They can also change the air quality of the apartment by supplying more oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide, improving the heart rate.

Indoor gardens for apartments

Starting an indoor garden needs a little bit of planning depending on the space available, and how the owner could invest time. Depending on the space, lots of interior garden design ideas could be examined. Social media platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have dedicated groups and spaces to discuss indoor plants Kerala, from where you get beautiful insights and garden design ideas for the space available. You can also get fabulous indoor garden ideas from the ones whom you personally know are into indoor gardening.

The owner can start his indoor gardening with seed, and plants bought from a nursery. Nowadays, indoor gardening products are also available in supermarkets, and big stores. The owner needs to have in-depth knowledge on handling these sophisticated seeds and plants beforehand. He also needs to prepare the pots with the correct quantities of soil, manure, and medicines. Many enthusiastic apartment owners prefer to consult experts while preparing the soil.

At the same time, one needs to have patience and show regularity in maintaining and rearing the plants for a long time. Plants, and the surrounding areas require frequent attention from the owner. As these kinds of gardening concept take smaller areas within the apartments, there remains a chance of scattering of muddy dirt, and dry leaves in other parts of the apartment, which may not look good.

You should regularly take care, watching the stages of growth, and acting on time against anything that inhibits the growth. Additionally, you must also take care of the environment, remove dry leaves, muddy areas, etc. that results from the indoor plants.

Tips for creating a lush green interior garden in a small space in any apartment

The plants growing in potted soil are very different from the plants growing in natural soil. Keeping the apartment greeneries alive and healthy is a big challenge for the owners, as these plants require more rear and care than their natural soil grown counterparts. If your apartment lacks any open place like a balcony, you need to make a place suitable conditioner to keep the environment suitable for the plants. for pot plantation with artificial light, and air. Sometimes, the indoor spaces may also require certain prerequisites such as artificial light, air, exhaust fan, heater, etc.

1. Selecting the right pots

Size and shape of the pot is an important factor to consider. In this concept of gardening, there remains a chance of retaining more moisturizer and water within the soil. If so happens, then the roots of the plant may be damaged. Clay pots are heavy pots and can be used for big plants, while plastic pots and fiberglass pots with plants are attractive and best to be used for visually stunning looks. The smaller shape pots may not allow the roots to grow smoothly. Pots for indoor garden designs are available in two forms, viz. porous, and non-porous. When you have plants that need regular water, then you can use porous pots. For the plants that require less water like cactus plants, you can use non-porous containers or pots.

2. Selecting the right plants

Selecting the right kinds of plants should be the top most priority in the indoor gardens for apartments. While selecting the plants, consider the roof height and space. Different plants thrive under different atmospheric and humid conditions. Most of the plants can grow under the conditions in Kerala. Almost, every type of cactus is suitable in any indoor environments, but choose the other types of plants only after thorough research. Plants like spider plants, coleus plants, jelly bean plants, and pony tail palms, etc. and flowering plants like different kinds of roses, marigolds, hibiscuses, etc. can be considered. Also you can try interior design within low cost budget.

3. Proper light is necessary

Certain plants need bright light to grow, and others might grow even under low light or no-light conditions. There are few interior gardening plants that require less light than the normal plants. But, the flowering plants, and fruit plants need sufficient light to grow normally. So, have a close inspection of the area where you are going to create your garden. Keep the window sides for the flowering plants, and the plants that are completely green. You can keep the cactus species in semi-dark areas without any problem. If the room or the place has very poor light condition, then artificial light is to be set-up for meeting daily needs of light of the plants. Instead of direct sunlight, then you may consider using artificial light or indirect light.

4. Good air circulation

Adequate air circulation is essential in your room to grow the plants effectively. Plants survive with photosynthesis, and hence the CO2 supply should be ensured. So, the area, which you have fixed for gardening needs to be airy enough; otherwise, make arrangement for artificially air. Similarly you can consider house renovation ideas.

5. Supportive temperature

Kerala has an optimum temperature; hence these temperature levels are ideal for indoor plants to grow. Most of the indoor plants can grow comfortably in the room temperatures in Kerala, which vary from 25 degrees to 35 degree Celsius in summer. Cactus plants can withstand even in 45 degree Celsius. The flowering plants like roses, marigold, tuberose, etc. require much less temperature to grow normally.

6. Regular watering

Plenty of water can drown your plants and the roots will be rotten. Make sure to use clean water and watch the moisture level. This part of the country remains comparatively humid in summer, and monsoon arrives much before the northern, and eastern parts of the country. The winter season is not very cold here. So, watering the homegrown plants need special knowledge; otherwise, the roots may be damaged, and the plants may die. Water the plants in small quantities, and twice daily. Water the pots in such a way that only the upper layers are drenched, and use water sprinkler every time you water them.  Cactus plants normally need no water for several days; so, water them once in a week.Once you get used to watering, you can easily understand the regular water needed to moist soil, clearly. And you can also maintain a terrace garden in your apartment.

7. Applying perfect fertilizer

In the potted soil, the minerals in the soil deplete with time. So, applying fertilizers in small quantities once in a month is necessary. The best fertilizers for the homegrown plants are those, which contain nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium in a 20-20-20 ratio. These days, various organic fertilizers are also available in the market. It is feasible to speak with the retailer before using them. Neutralize the acidic soil with the best manure available. It is always best to enquire and clarify doubts with retailers before using organic fertilizers and the quantity of soil.

8. Keeping right quantities of soil

Nowadays, special potting soil is available which are just prepared by experts for indoor gardening. This soil can be obtained from the nurseries. It is always best to enquire and clarify doubts with retailers before using organic fertilizers and the quantity of soil. The process is easy, and you just need to collect local soil and make it free from unwanted dirt. Then you have to apply fertilizers to make it suitable for the plants. The minerals and nutrients must be manually fed to the indoor plants. Neutralize the acidic soil with the best manure available. Mix some tiny pebbles with it before putting it in the pots.Here are some modern house interior design ideas.

9. Don’t shift the place frequently

The frequent shift of plants from the places they used to grow is not ideal. Keeping the pots with plants in their place is mandatory. A plant gets adjusted to the surrounding environment, where it is placed. If you change its place randomly, this again requires plants to adjust to a new environment which may not be always successful. They may not be able to cope with the random change of light, and air.

10. Use Indoor Plants to Hide Certain Spots

You can use indoor garden decorations to hide specific areas like garbage disposals, railings, etc. that might seem awkward. With growing plants, cover these spots to make a good appeal. You can try green walls with the climber plants like vines, ivy, honeysuckle, etc. Also, try office spaces at home with indoor plant separation.

11. Maintain a perfect moisturizer level

This is related with the watering of the plants. Give water to the plants only when the upper surface of the soil looks pretty dry. Also, check the bottom of the pot, if it looks moistened enough, or water is coming out of the hole, then stop watering for a day or two. Too much moisturizer is not good for flowering plants. It is tough to judge the moisturizer level, but you will get to understand the matter within a few months.

12.  Trimming of plants

All plants are different; hence various plants require various modes of attention. You should spend time in the removal of the dry leaves, trimming the lanky stems, mature stems, etc. Some plants in the indoor gardens for apartments are very sophisticated in nature, some proliferate naturally, while some require almost zero attention. You need to shed off the dry leaves, trim, and prune the branches, dig the soil, provide support to the plants depending on their condition, and nature. You should prune the plant according to the requirement, to encourage and support bushy growth.

If you can provide favorable weather, the potted plants will grow more sporadically than they grow in natural weather conditions. Plants with different types of leaves, flowers, and fruits look nice in an apartment. Space is really short in the apartments, where most of the city dwellers live in Kerala. A balcony with full of varying types of pots and plants look fabulous. It can change the whole ambience of the Kerala apartments. You just need to take care of the plants regularly, and provide them with necessary nourishment.

Bonus Tip:  Try vertical gardening

It is natural to lack a lot of space inside the apartments for growing plants. In such situations, try vertical gardens to grow them. These innovative gardens can be set up with advanced options like railing planters, hanging baskets, etc. The plants like perennial herbs, bromeliads, ferns, succulents, vines, etc. can be grown this way.


Enthusiastic apartment owners prefer a stylish appearance for the entire apartment with indoor garden decoration. They opt for flowering plants, green plants with fresh green leaves, and fruit plants for stunning indoors. If you have less time, try plants that need lesser care. If you can provide favorable weather, the potted plants will grow more sporadically than they grow in natural weather conditions. Plants with different types of leaves, flowers, and fruits look nice in an apartment. Space is really short in the apartments, where most of the city dwellers live in Kerala.

For balconies, try the hanging pot, a potted plant with glossy leaves, plants with medicinal properties, etc.  But keep in mind that the plants need a good level of care, regular attention, and adequate pampering to thrive in any condition. It can change the whole ambiance of the Kerala apartments. You just need to take care of the plants regularly and provide them with the necessary nourishment.

Top Tips To Setup Indoor Gardens For Apartments In Kerala

PVS Builders & Developers, the most trusted builders in Calicut is here to offer you premium apartments and flats in Kannur, Calicut and Aluva. You can contact us or visit our website for more information. 

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Top Tips To Setup Indoor Gardens For Apartments In Kerala

PVS Builders & Developers, the most trusted builders in Calicut is here to offer you premium apartments and flats in Kannur, Calicut and Aluva. You can contact us or visit our website for more information. 

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